Wednesday, 31 August 2016



WALT... (I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.)

For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning… Boring because… I had already learnt this, and there wasn't anything fun about it.

In this activity My Reading Task, I had to... explain what part of the sentence was an adverbial clause.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Reading (Grammatical Constructions)

WALT - I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns.
In this unit I have been learning about:
  • The parts of speech.
  • The types of nouns.
  • The types of sentences.

In this unit, I found challenging trying to remember all of the different types of names for nouns.

Something new I learnt was how to put these nouns into sentnces.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Maths Assessment Task


Describe patterns of reflection, rotation, & translation

Assessment Task
W.A.L.T Describe patterns of reflection, rotation, & translation
1. Draw a 10cm x 10cm square.
2. On the top line make a mark at 3cm and 7cm.
3. On the bottom line make a mark at 3cm and 7cm.
4. On the top line where you made the 7cm mark draw that line down 4cm.
5. On the bottom line where you made a mark at 3cm draw that line up 4cm.
6. On the top line at the 3cm mark draw a line to connect with the line at the 7cm mark
7. On the bottom line at the 7cm mark draw a line to connect with the line at  the 3cm mark 

This is the activity I had to do:

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Know square numbers to 100 and the matching square roots.


WALT......Know square numbers to 100 and the matching square roots.

 For the first activity, I had to say what the number shown was: 3, then I had to say how many times it was shown: 4, so the answer was 3 and 4 squared.

For the second activity, I had to times the number by it's self eg: 1x1=1 so your answer would be 1.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Kapa Haka (Can Do) #2

Kapa Haka (Can Do)

On Friday, I had Kapa Haka. When we walked in, mostly everyone was in their positions ready to start. I went to my position . First we did the school song with the old actions so the boys didn't walk through the middle and the girls didn't step aside. 

After that we went to our positions for Halleujah. After we did Halleujah we waited for the command to move to the next song. We then all moved to our next positions, which were the ones for Tuhurihuri.

The actions for Tuhurihuri are the Year 8 girls do long poi, while all of the other girls used the short poi or the small rakau sticks. The senior boys used these long sticks (I'm not sure what they are called) and the other boys did the actions.

Then we transitioned to our school, and went through that a few times. After that we left for morning tea. 

I showed leadership by listening respectfully to Matua, Mr Brown and Mrs Baker. 

Tecnology (Must Do) #2

Technology (Must Do)

Today for technology, we made pancakes. They weren't your average pancakes though, they were whole wheat pancakes.

First we added all the dry ingredients to the bowl. Then we sifted them together. We then added all the wet ingredients to another bowl. After that we mixed those together, and added them to the dry ingredients. Finally we mixed them altogether. Then we went over to the stove top.

We got a spoon, and started spooning the mixture into the fry pan. We waited for the bubbles on the top to burst, then we flipped it over. Once they hade fully cooked, we transferred them to a plate. To make sure they stayed warm, we put them in the warming draw, at the bottom of the oven.

When they had all finished cooking, we got to eat them. At first I didn't think that I was going to like them, but they were nothing like I expected. If I made these again, I would cook them a little longer, as they were not golden brown.

I showed leadership today by, respecting the gear and, being aware of the hot pan on the stove. 

Kapa Haka (Can Do) #1

Kapa Haka (Can Do)

On Friday, I had Kapa Haka. When I arrived I went to my line and got ready to start. First we went through all of the songs to warm up. Then we went onto the stage area on the ground and practiced our school song.

After that, we went to our positions for Halleujah. My spot is the top right corner. After we did Halleujah, we waited for the command to move to the next song. We then all moved to our next positions, which were the ones for Tuhurihuri. The Year 8 girls did long poi, the Year 5,6 and 7's did short poi, and the Year 4's did rakau.The Year 7/8 boys use these long sticks (I'm not sure what they are called), and the Year 4,5 and 6 boys did their actions. I think that all the actions look really cool together, and work really well with the song.

Then we transitioned to our school song, and went through that a few times. After that we left for morning tea. 

The care value I showed was respect because I listened respectfully to the teachers and my peers.

I showed leadership by listening respectfully to Matua, Mr Brown and Mrs Baker. 

Technology (Must Do) #1

Technology (Must Do)

On Tuesday we had technology at Lincoln Primary School. My group is cooking. I enjoy cooking, as some of the things we get to make are yummy. My favourite thing that we made were cinnamon pinwheels.

The thing we made today was Kiwi Burgers. Because we were starting Mandarin classes, we had to start cooking at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Some phrases I learnt from this lesson was,
Lǎoshī (Teacher), Nǐ hǎo (Hello), Huānyíng (Welcome). I found this session fun because, I didn't think that I was going to like it.

After Mandarin, we started to make the burgers. First we made the bread (By hand), then we made the patties (Also by hand). When the buns and patties were cooked, we assembled them. You had a choice of Pineapple, Cheese, Egg, Onion, Beetroot  and Tomato Sauce. I didn't have anything in my burger.

After we made them, we packed up and left for the bus.. 

I showed leadership by: Listening to the teacher and, sharing the utensils needed.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016



WALT: I understand the features of different types of texts and text forms.

  1. Text features are important because: They include all the components of a story or a article that are not the main body of texts.

  1. Each genre has different text features because: each genre has different text features.

  1. Two genres that I studied the text features of are: explanations and story's.  

Features of a Story
Features of a Explanation
Features of a Poem